Monday, 10 December 2012

Hunting Spirit

Saw this video On youtube the otherday.

I have to say this guy has the right idea on attitude. Enjoy!

A word of caution. This is not me! I'm not this good.

The good the bad and the flashy yellow

Welp, the missioning blogs going o.k, I'm almost into a Domi. Well, I am into a Domi but I need to up the drone skills, so we're talking 6 more days and I can assemble a complete first post for the overview.

While I'm on the subject, I've been seeing alot of QQ about drones of late. Most of it's unfounded imho, I've still been using them happily, even without the withdraw redrop technique it's possible to use them still.

It just requires you to pay attnention. But hey, paying attention to whats going on around you is kinda key when you're on your jack jones in 0.0 so no biggie there.

They called me paranoid HA! That badger was watching me I swear it......

Anyyyyyway, moving on

The Bounty system seems to be this weeks whinge topic. I got a 1 mill bounty on me from a corp mate for a giggle. Frankly I'm not fussed. When the novelty wears off it'll drop down. Just more incentive to get out into low/null maybe pick up an extra few ISK having fun roaming.

Always try to look at it in a positive light. Every cloud does have a silver lining after all. The silver lining here being LE/Criminal/Suspect flags! \o/

To sum this up for anyone who's not been paying attention:

If's it's Flashy yellow it's a suspect, Shoot it.
If it's Flashy Red it's a criminal. Shoot It
If it's Flashy Blue you have a limited engagement (LE) flag with that player. KEEP SHOOTING.

I had a friend open up on a suspect and he stopped shooting when they turned flashy blue as he didn't know he could still fight and his target warped off. Embarassing. Don't be that guy.

Also be aware of station games. That guy flashy yellow outside the station WANTS you to shoot him. He WON'T be playing fair. However bring a couple of friends and you can have some fun. I almost got me a free guardian kill 2 days ago when the guy deliberately baiting attackers brough a neutral logi in and right out again before he could finish 1 rep cycle when I landed on grid almost on top of him. Shoot suspects on gates, by the time LE's wear off you can be long gone. Goto nullsec get a suspect flag then go back into high and see wha kind of fun you can have. You can screw people around and mess up canflippers station campers and neutral logi.. Thats why I love crimewatch.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dem Hybrids

I also wanted to say how much I'm loving Hybrids, I'm working on this missioning guide/overview and as part of the process I cross trained into Gallente, currently sitting in a Brutix with meta4 railguns and HOLY SMOKES!

I'm a brawler, used to being in your face with Auto Cannons or rockets. But doing huge damage from 60k away with crap skills gives me a warm little glow. I think I'll be able to rig up some interesting Algos builds for sure when I spend all that cash

Little Touches

A friend of mine recently started playing Eve for the first time. The freedom to violence peoples boats was the key draw, I'm chuffed he's enjoying it so far. But it was the fact that GM's still send messages to new players asking them how they're doing and if they need help that got me.

GJ CCP, row row fight the power!

Friday, 23 November 2012

A change is good as a rest

So things have been quiet lately.

Time for a recap.

Since my Corp left TNT and returned to HiSec and FW I'm ashamed to admit I have been horribly horribly bored.

I think the main reason is it just feels like more of the same. Don't get me wrong I found you could get some good small gang/solo pvp in FW but you could in Null if you knew where to go/look. Blobs are still the order of the day. Maybe I was just looking at it wrong.

So I decided to use my alt for a change of pace, go back to basics and learn how to not only pvp but to support myself and my pvp habit.

So enter Nyaris, my little NPC corp alt. 1st thing was to get her into a 1 man corp, for wardeccing purposes as well as ditching that pesky corp tax. That accomplished my new corp Fade to Darkness [-FtD-] (Yeah I posted my corp name, face, bothered). Is ready to roll. Time to look at my avaricious options:

I'm going to be trying each of these in a separate blog post, so for now I'll summarise.

Planetary Interaction. I'll be the first to admit this confuses the crap outta me. I'm going to need to research this more. But making POS fuel seems to be a good investment.

Nyaris is also trained up to basic mining barge and t2 strip miners, I'm also a bit of a James315 fanboy so I'm a little pensive about trying this, I don't hold miners in that high a regard. Still in for a penny in for a full hold of plagiclase

Old Faithful. I'm going to be moving to a new area for this (Gallente space) as Peace and Order missions are getting really boring now. I've a Passivecane I'm using for it while I cross train into a Hyp.

Not sure Nya has the skills for this but as and when the Hyp is ready (Another 40 or so days) then I'll also be joining the incursion channels and see what I can do.

Bounty Hunting
This will be after the expansion releases I'm quite interested in the idea as it promotes two of my preferred activities. Making ISK and solo PvP.

This is going to need some extra training time, and frankly I'm not convinced of it's profitability, I'm also going to double this one up with salvaging. I want to do all this on one character so probably will be the last option for this series.

Hang on a minute what about Trading, Research, manufacturing and market PVP?

Well to be honest thats going to take too long to train into on top of everything else. While I would like to cover these options I believe I'll do that as a seperate section so I'll cover those another time.

If anyone has any other suggestions to add in feel free to let me know at in game Nyaris Wolfe or in the comments below! Happy flying peeps.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


1st blog since May.

God damn I suck at this

Out of the Fire

And into the fryingpan!

So We're out of Nullsec, this is a bit of a culture shock for me. I started Eve played for a month infrequently, joined TCN and moved almost straight to null. It's been my life and breath for around a year so to be back in Hi is just weird.....

Any Nullsec lifer will know what I mean, NBSI (Not blue shoot it) turns to CWTF?! (Concord, What the f***?!). Everyone still wants to kill you, but they're sneakier about it.

Say what you like about CFC at least they're honest in their intentions.

Still, bird gotta fly, fish gotta swim, Ara gotta kill. So the guvnor signed the corp up for Faction Warfare.

At this point I'm going to do a "What I think when I hear.... What I find when I see".

What I thought FW would be:

Mass Hi Sec fleet fights with crappy ships fun frolics and hijinx ensue! RvB does it all the time amirite?

What I found:


Now to be fair, there are goodfites (tm) to be had, I've had a few nice rucks, but frankly alot of it is 1 day old alts farming LP and running for their worthless little lives the second anyone pops up on DScan.

Not that they're always successful:

That guys the exception though.

This isn't a dig at FW though because you can have some wicked fights. If you pay attention.

Check the Map read the faction warfare guides, anyone even a week old can have some good fun. It's also teaching me to do true small gang pvp again, instead of the blobfest CTA fleets we got in Null.

Also, FW is getting some pretty major changes in winter, which I for one am looking forward to.

Also Shout out to this guy:

t2 Ibis best Ibis even if Raven did steal my kill the bitch.

As the weeks go I'm gonna be fleshing out my experience of the FW scene, see if we can get a before and after picture built up. Plus give anyone weird enough to read this page the chance to see just how truly terribad I actually am.

(Oh and watch out for the Sentinel fits I'm gonna be bringing soon, that ship is just sex on a plate, protip: Don't fly lit like me)

Saturday, 12 May 2012

To violence or not to violence? Thats not even a question!

Something of a ramble this one, but they thats what blogs are for.

So far this weeks been a bit of a let down, still not broken my dry run of kills, but not desperate enough to blow up an alt just to remember what explosions look like.

I only have myself to blame really. I've been simply too busy with RL to attempt to get into ops. Tonight though I shall be roaming. Even by my damn self if I have to!

In other news the forums are still a cesspool of badposting (mine included), and Twitter is still full of interesting subjects and conversations I only understand half of.

The delectable Mr Teg had a new blog out that was in no way making a comparison of EvE and Civ. Honest Guv!

It's an interesting concept, although I just want to play Civ again now. Damn you. At any rate give it a read, I'm still thinking my way through it.

My personal favourite this week however has been the guy who got a single POS reinforced by our Goon overlords and ragequit in a flurry of forum based denunciation. One has to wonder whether he should have started playing eve in the first place.

I'd supply forum links but looks like they have been moved/deleted/edited to hell and back. Shame, it was funny as hell.

With any luck I'll get err lucky tonight and have a real story to tell instead of this bunch of old tosh.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


O.k please be aware this may be blathering nonsense but I've had a long day not enough alcohol and my wifes cooking steak and kidney pie. So bear with me if my attention wanders..... mmmm pie

So to those of you who are unaware there's this stuff called Twitter which can be used to make short statements to other people tied together with hashtags of binding purpose.

You may love it or hate it, but at the moment it has a possible advantage. CCP have been monitoring twitter using the following hashtag #tweetfleetbacklog

Personally I think this is a great idea. 1 easy tag and a whole collection of player perspectives on needed fixes. Now don't get me wrong the eveonline forums does have a section just for this. But an additional avenue to the hearts of our icelandic overlords (and ladies) can only be a good thing.

Do yourself a favour and make a twitter account ( ) and take a look, see what you think and post before the metagaming bloc get their claws into it.

Here's some of my personal favourites and good examples:

As a player, I can see galactic north on the tactical overlay to help orient myself in space. 

As a player, I should be able to use EVE Gate effectively from a mobile device.  

As a drone user, I can group EWAR drones with combat drones (i.e. TPs + webs + combats) 

As a player, I can enjoy a slow but steady stream of Little Things improvements to complement the big improvements 

Forgive the horrid formatting. The steak smells getting worse/better.

At any rate. Before all this twittery goodness  overwhelms me quite. It may be worth touching also on the Eve suggestions forum:

Why Twitter and not this you may ask.

I think in this case the answer is something I personally have trouble with. brevity. twitter give you 140 characters. Get right to the point or GTFO. Whereas a forum on the other hand allows you to TL;DR peoples face off with carebear tears. Methinks if I was CCP_Goliath then I'd go for the Tweets every time. Time will tell if it works out for the better. I get a good vibe myself.

Oh and while you're there don't bother adding @Aracimia the guys an idiot.

EDIT: On a side note also check this thread from CCP Soundwave out.


Again Brevity is probably your watchword here.

Friday, 4 May 2012

In the beginning

There was a word, and the word was "Goons!"

These days Goonswarm appears to be the Marmite on toast of EvE Online. Love em or hate em, you still end up with sticky brown stuff on your fingers and a funny taste in your mouth.

But the Burn Jita event was something special. At least for me. And I sucked at it, I lost a total of 1 tornado, opening up on a Goon wartarget that TNT wasn't decced to. because I'm retarded and also because I didn't get on till late sunday.

It was special because for me, it made me resub. Once again Goonswarm had put the fun into playing back for me. And this element of fun, is what seems to me to be missing from the long winded posting  about market warfare, or carebear hating, or wrecking the lives of miners.

From the beginning of my serious playing in eve a year ago I've heard non stop ranting and diatribe concerning the evil Mittani and his goon henchmen. And maybe looking at it from the outside it would seem that way. From where I'm sitting however Mittani and Goons have given me the most precious gift a gamer can have.


Never forget we pay to play. Play being the operative word here. I'm not into gaming to be the best, or be some big rolemodel surrounded by screaming fans with a japanese twin on each knee. (although that last bit I'm open to). I'm here to have fun, in a game. With spaceships.

Allow me to demonstrate.

A year ago, I started Eve on the recommendation of an old old friend from Starwars Galaxies. I spent about a month getting basic skills together and then joined his corp The Cursed Navy. At the time we were a part of Important internet spaceship league (BDEAL). A dedicated PvP corp. I immediately went to null sec and have never looked back. I was introduced to PvP almost immediately taking on Godfathers and Nulli, Sniggwaffe roams in our defence fleets. I couldn't get enough. My PvE skills being barely good enough to take on Forsaken Serpentis hubs all my cash went on PvP ships, I died, I killed, I tackled until I thought I could tackle no more.

We deployed to Delve, my first encounter with real ops. Again Goonswarm and Test showed me how to really have fun in Eve.

And then PL, NC. Raiden and co decided to try and headshot Goonswarm. The battle of VFK, I was one of the first ones to go up, baying for blood and Goonswarm delivered. I'd not had that much fun in years.

After that however things turned sour, I was still pvping, with the MM attempt to take Delve (not that they wanted that sov anyways lol) but BDEAL was in it's death throes. Not that we knew it then. I personally don't do politics, I still don't know all the details. Nor do I care. but increasingly it seemed to me that the industrious pvpers were the minority to the nullsec carebear massive. I knew it was only a matter of time till a reset, and with MM now out of the picture and SWTOR on the horizon I decided I'd had enough and left BDEAL to it's richly deserved fate to go play with glowsticks again.

I had no intention of returning to eve. I thought the funtimes had gone. That might be a tad melodramatic but I really was fed up. And bear in mind this was pre-crucible.

Again Goons changed that. Burn Jita peaked my interest to the point where I was going to resub anyway, then my corpmate gave me a plex and there was no way I wasn't going to go suicide myself for great justice.

So, while I'm not a lackey, nor a pet. And I don't always agree with everything they do and I am most definitely terrible at eve, and a total fucking noob. Goonswarm to me are the saviours of EvE, and I'll be CFC for life or as long as theres a CFC to be a part of.

So from a nobody. Thanks Mittens and Thanks Goons.

Peace Out.