Saturday, 12 May 2012

To violence or not to violence? Thats not even a question!

Something of a ramble this one, but they thats what blogs are for.

So far this weeks been a bit of a let down, still not broken my dry run of kills, but not desperate enough to blow up an alt just to remember what explosions look like.

I only have myself to blame really. I've been simply too busy with RL to attempt to get into ops. Tonight though I shall be roaming. Even by my damn self if I have to!

In other news the forums are still a cesspool of badposting (mine included), and Twitter is still full of interesting subjects and conversations I only understand half of.

The delectable Mr Teg had a new blog out that was in no way making a comparison of EvE and Civ. Honest Guv!

It's an interesting concept, although I just want to play Civ again now. Damn you. At any rate give it a read, I'm still thinking my way through it.

My personal favourite this week however has been the guy who got a single POS reinforced by our Goon overlords and ragequit in a flurry of forum based denunciation. One has to wonder whether he should have started playing eve in the first place.

I'd supply forum links but looks like they have been moved/deleted/edited to hell and back. Shame, it was funny as hell.

With any luck I'll get err lucky tonight and have a real story to tell instead of this bunch of old tosh.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


O.k please be aware this may be blathering nonsense but I've had a long day not enough alcohol and my wifes cooking steak and kidney pie. So bear with me if my attention wanders..... mmmm pie

So to those of you who are unaware there's this stuff called Twitter which can be used to make short statements to other people tied together with hashtags of binding purpose.

You may love it or hate it, but at the moment it has a possible advantage. CCP have been monitoring twitter using the following hashtag #tweetfleetbacklog

Personally I think this is a great idea. 1 easy tag and a whole collection of player perspectives on needed fixes. Now don't get me wrong the eveonline forums does have a section just for this. But an additional avenue to the hearts of our icelandic overlords (and ladies) can only be a good thing.

Do yourself a favour and make a twitter account ( ) and take a look, see what you think and post before the metagaming bloc get their claws into it.

Here's some of my personal favourites and good examples:

As a player, I can see galactic north on the tactical overlay to help orient myself in space. 

As a player, I should be able to use EVE Gate effectively from a mobile device.  

As a drone user, I can group EWAR drones with combat drones (i.e. TPs + webs + combats) 

As a player, I can enjoy a slow but steady stream of Little Things improvements to complement the big improvements 

Forgive the horrid formatting. The steak smells getting worse/better.

At any rate. Before all this twittery goodness  overwhelms me quite. It may be worth touching also on the Eve suggestions forum:

Why Twitter and not this you may ask.

I think in this case the answer is something I personally have trouble with. brevity. twitter give you 140 characters. Get right to the point or GTFO. Whereas a forum on the other hand allows you to TL;DR peoples face off with carebear tears. Methinks if I was CCP_Goliath then I'd go for the Tweets every time. Time will tell if it works out for the better. I get a good vibe myself.

Oh and while you're there don't bother adding @Aracimia the guys an idiot.

EDIT: On a side note also check this thread from CCP Soundwave out.


Again Brevity is probably your watchword here.

Friday, 4 May 2012

In the beginning

There was a word, and the word was "Goons!"

These days Goonswarm appears to be the Marmite on toast of EvE Online. Love em or hate em, you still end up with sticky brown stuff on your fingers and a funny taste in your mouth.

But the Burn Jita event was something special. At least for me. And I sucked at it, I lost a total of 1 tornado, opening up on a Goon wartarget that TNT wasn't decced to. because I'm retarded and also because I didn't get on till late sunday.

It was special because for me, it made me resub. Once again Goonswarm had put the fun into playing back for me. And this element of fun, is what seems to me to be missing from the long winded posting  about market warfare, or carebear hating, or wrecking the lives of miners.

From the beginning of my serious playing in eve a year ago I've heard non stop ranting and diatribe concerning the evil Mittani and his goon henchmen. And maybe looking at it from the outside it would seem that way. From where I'm sitting however Mittani and Goons have given me the most precious gift a gamer can have.


Never forget we pay to play. Play being the operative word here. I'm not into gaming to be the best, or be some big rolemodel surrounded by screaming fans with a japanese twin on each knee. (although that last bit I'm open to). I'm here to have fun, in a game. With spaceships.

Allow me to demonstrate.

A year ago, I started Eve on the recommendation of an old old friend from Starwars Galaxies. I spent about a month getting basic skills together and then joined his corp The Cursed Navy. At the time we were a part of Important internet spaceship league (BDEAL). A dedicated PvP corp. I immediately went to null sec and have never looked back. I was introduced to PvP almost immediately taking on Godfathers and Nulli, Sniggwaffe roams in our defence fleets. I couldn't get enough. My PvE skills being barely good enough to take on Forsaken Serpentis hubs all my cash went on PvP ships, I died, I killed, I tackled until I thought I could tackle no more.

We deployed to Delve, my first encounter with real ops. Again Goonswarm and Test showed me how to really have fun in Eve.

And then PL, NC. Raiden and co decided to try and headshot Goonswarm. The battle of VFK, I was one of the first ones to go up, baying for blood and Goonswarm delivered. I'd not had that much fun in years.

After that however things turned sour, I was still pvping, with the MM attempt to take Delve (not that they wanted that sov anyways lol) but BDEAL was in it's death throes. Not that we knew it then. I personally don't do politics, I still don't know all the details. Nor do I care. but increasingly it seemed to me that the industrious pvpers were the minority to the nullsec carebear massive. I knew it was only a matter of time till a reset, and with MM now out of the picture and SWTOR on the horizon I decided I'd had enough and left BDEAL to it's richly deserved fate to go play with glowsticks again.

I had no intention of returning to eve. I thought the funtimes had gone. That might be a tad melodramatic but I really was fed up. And bear in mind this was pre-crucible.

Again Goons changed that. Burn Jita peaked my interest to the point where I was going to resub anyway, then my corpmate gave me a plex and there was no way I wasn't going to go suicide myself for great justice.

So, while I'm not a lackey, nor a pet. And I don't always agree with everything they do and I am most definitely terrible at eve, and a total fucking noob. Goonswarm to me are the saviours of EvE, and I'll be CFC for life or as long as theres a CFC to be a part of.

So from a nobody. Thanks Mittens and Thanks Goons.

Peace Out.